Leningrad nuclear power plant (LAES-2)
Project implementation period: 2008 – 12.2015
General design engineering company: ATOMENERGOPROJECKT
In frameworks of the project, Kompakt, JSC carries out works for concrete pouring of reactor building structures with transport gate, control building and steam chamber building, as well as the complex of works at the second power unit: bed drainage, concrete prepartion and concrete pouring of structures (reactor building with transport gate, control building and steam chamber building). The project of LAES-2 construction is a part of the “Long-term program for activities of Rosatom state corporation for 2009–2015”, implementation of which will allow for increase of nuclear power share in Russia from current 16 % to 25 %. LAES-2 is the result of evolution of most common and technically perfect type of plants — Nuclear Power Plant with WWPR (water-water power reactors). Water in such a reactor is used both as the heat transfer media and as the neutron moderator.
Not a single operationg power plant in the world is equipped with such a configuration of safety systems
The project of the second Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant complies to applicable international safety requirements. In this project four active channels of safety systems are used (mutually redundant), along with core melt isolator, a system for passive heat extraction from under reactor shell and a system for passive heat extraction from steam generators. Not a single operationg power plant in the world is equipped with such a configuration of safety systems.
Project completed